You have probably heard of the Giraffe Manor before, right? It’s this amazing hotel where you get to feed Giraffes through the windows and eat your breakfast while they stick their heads through the window. Of course, I had to google it but shortly after I realized that I did not have the kind of money to afford a night at that hotel. A great alternative to the Giraffe Manor is, however, the Giraffe Center. It is basically the same place and the same Giraffes plus you get to feed the animals there as well. You can even kind of see the hotel from the Giraffe Center.
The Giraffe Center – a cheaper alternative to the Giraffe Manor to feed giraffes
The Giraffe Center is situated next to the Nairobi National Park, a perfect location for them. It is definitely a must visit when travelling to Nairobi (since there are also not many other things that you can do). The Giraffe Center harbors the endangered giraffe species: the Rothschild’s giraffe. This species can mostly be found in Kenya and northern Uganda. This species is one of the tallest giraffes and you can distinguish them from the other giraffes by looking at their legs: the spots stop below the kneecaps.
The Giraffe Center is open every day from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The best kind of transportation to take is probably a taxi. Make sure to ask the taxi driver about the rate beforehand or even check how much an Uber would be (might be slightly cheaper than a normal taxi). The city center is about 17km away from it, but depending on the current traffic situation it can either be a short drive or a really long one.
I have always dreamed of going to Africa and seeing all those animals in the wild and at the Giraffe Center, I even got to be closer to some pretty amazing animals and most importantly got to feed giraffes! How awesome is that? I am so grateful for this awesome opportunity!
If you want to read my other blog posts about my visit to Kenya, click here.
Have you been to the Giraffe Center or Giraffe Manor?
Let me know about your experience in the comments below!